Curated resources on diversity and inclusion

Gender Resources

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 4.0: A toolkit for leaders to accelerate social progress in the future of work

Women, Leadership And A Pandemic – Highlights

Women at Work : Going Back to the Office

Confronting the early-career gender gap

The route to true gender equality? Fix the system, not the women

Women in the workplace : Report 2020: Lean in & McKinsey

LGBTQ+ Resources

LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace: How to take action to support LGBTQ+ employees—not just during Pride Month, but year-round.

LGBTQ+ : Inclusive Language - DOS and DONTs

"Why fast-growing companies from emerging markets are embracing LGBT+ inclusion"

India Inclusive: LGBTQ+ inclusion at the workplace still a work-in-progress

Inclusive Leadership Resources

A Tale of Three Allies: What Does Allyship Look Like in Real Life?

Do I need a “Killer Instinct”?

Bold and Inclusive Leadership: The Time is Now

The Athena Doctrine: Feminine Values are the Future

It’s Frontline Leaders Who Make or Break Progress on Diversity

POSH Resources

Taking precautions against sexual harassment in workplaces

Amid Working from Home Workplace Sexual Harassment also goes Virtual

How can organizations recognize and redress sexual harassment at workplace

16 ways you can stand against rape culture

The ABCDs of Observer Intervention in Sexual Harassment

Why workplace sexual harassment is about power

The profound power of an authentic apology

Sexual Harassment vs Defamation – Contest of Rights

Multi-Generation Resources

Dear CEOs: A Gen Zer’s Open Letter to His Future Employers

How Empathy Helps Bridge Generational Differences

Why a focus on age can mislead workforce development

What 'Meaningful Feedback' Means to Millennials

Trend Brief: Gendered Ageism (Catalyst, 2019)

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