Parity Consulting & Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas Present
POSHasya Conclave 2019
Mumbai | 27th September, 2019
The Conclave Starts in:
Friday September, 27
9:00am – 9:30am
9:30am – 9:45am
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Speaker: Kalpana Tatavarti, Founder & CEO, Parity Consulting
Parity will deliver the introductory remarks to set the context for the day and to share our vision for POSHASYA- a community of POSH ambassadors committed to create safe and inclusive workplaces.
9:45am – 10:00am
Keynote Address
Our keynote speaker will talk about why we should care about sexual harassment at workplaces and the importance of the POSH legislation.
10:00am – 10:40am
Speaker Perspective – Effective Compliance
Speaker: Rashmi Pradeep, Partner, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas
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Mandating organizations to comply with the sexual harassment act has expanded access to safe working environments and effective redressal measures. What are some compliance blind spots? Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas will conduct a session on how to institute effective compliance, while discussing key case laws to highlight compliance complexities.
Tea Break and Networking
10:40 AM to 10: 55 AM
10:55am – 11:25am
Panel Discussion- Recognizing and Reporting Sexual Harassment: Challenges & Strategies
Moderator: Laxmi Char, Co-founder, Parity Consulting
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The legal definition of sexual harassment, while robust, also leaves many areas to interpretation. From a social perspective, many behaviours of social harassment were considered “normal” for years and those who face sexual harassment continue to struggle with reporting due to stigma. Leveraging social and legal perspectives, this discussion will explore how to recognize the greyer areas of sexual harassment. We will also discuss ways in which we can empower those who face sexual harassment to report.
Bingo Call #1
11:30am – 12:00pm
Parity Masterclass – Deconstructing Consent
Speaker: Kalpana Tatavarti, Founder & CEO, Parity Consulting
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Using our signature socio-legal framework, Kalpana Tatavarti from Parity will conduct a masterclass on consent and sexual harassment. Using power dynamics as the nexus, we will navigate the various nuances of consent and how to apply it both in investigating complaints as well as in our daily lives.
12:00pm – 12:30pm
Best Practices – Wipro: Fireside chat
Speaker: Sarika Pradhan, POSH Head and Behavioural Development Head, Wipro in conversations with
Abhaya Tatavarti, Lead Consultant, POSH, Parity Consulting
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Parity will engage in a fireside chat with a representative from Wipro that is leading the way in the prevention of sexual harassment.
Bingo Call #2
Lunch and Networking
12:30 PM to 1: 45 PM
1:45pm – 2:30pm
Planning for a Future Where No One Has to Say #MeToo
Moderator: Kalpana Tatavarti, Founder & CEO, Parity Consulting
Indrajit Gupta, Co-founder & Director, Founding Fuel
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What are some of the things that led to the #MeToo movement and how can we learn from it? What are some of the discussions surrounding due process versus public action? In this panel, we will look at the build-up to the #MeToo movement and the movement itself. We will explore how to strengthen policies and create workplace in which no one has to say #MeToo again.
2:30pm – 3:00pm
Best Practices – Titan: Fireside chat
Speaker: Priya Mathilakath, Head HR, Retail and Corporate, Titan Company, in conversations with
Laxmi Char, Co-Founder, Parity Consulting
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Parity will engage in a fireside chat with a representative from Titan that is setting a phenomenal example in implementing POSH thoughtfully in their organization.
Bingo Call #3
3:05pm – 3:45pm
Equipping our ICs
Moderator: Abhaya Tatavarti, Lead Consultant, POSH, Parity Consulting
- Abe Abraham, Director- Employment Practice, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas
- Nandini Mehta, Head, Business HR, Max Retail Division, Lifestyle International Pvt. Ltd.
- Monica Dhar, Head Diversity & Inclusion, Reliance Industries
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ICs are a very unique concept and there are not many precedents we can look for within the wider international community. ICs are vested with immense power. How do we ensure that ICs are well-equipped and what are the common challenges that we see?
4:00pm – 4:30pm
Speaker’s Perspective: Observer Intervention Strategies
Presentation By: Dr. Aarti Shyamsunder & Charu Khanna
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After identifying certain gaps in the way POSH is applied, a small research group conducted a study to develop a tool that organizations can use to assess and coach appropriate responses for observers of sexual harassment incidents at work. Dr. Aarti Shyamsunder, Primary Investigator for this study, and her colleague, Ms. Charu Khanna, will present the key results of this effort centred around the “ABCD” of observer intervention strategies. They will also share the tool developed – Observer Intervention in Sexual Harassment (OISH) – with all participants and recommend actions for organizations and individuals to take.
4:30pm – 5:00pm
Parity Wrap Up
Vanya Umranikar, Senior Consultant, Parity Consulting
Parity will close out the day by discussing our sexual harassment bingo activity and recap the day’s events.
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The POSHasya conclave is dedicated to powering respectful workplaces by completely preventing sexual harassment. Our marquee speakers and their experiences are the highlights of our conclaves. We hand pick the topics such that it has immediate value to you and your organization.